What: Zigmunds Priede: Aggregates of Time
Selected works from the private collection of Landon Kirchner and Barbara Smith and a large mixed media print on paper from the museum’s collection. Curated by Dr. Allison Smith, department chair and professor of art history at Johnson County Community College.
Where: Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art, Kansas Focus Gallery
When: May 03rd -September 25th, 2020
Aggregates of Time is a direct result of Penny’s pre-Covid initiative to arrange exhibitions across the country on behalf of the artist’s 60- year Anniversary of his epic post -graduate art career. Now retired museum director, Bruce Hartman committed to Zig’s show prior to the pandemic and the new executive director, JoAnn Northrup honored that promise.
Penny worked as an advisor, scholar and liaison with guest curator Dr. Allison Smith who also included her 20th century art history class in the curatorial process. Penny and Zig spoke to the students who were tasked with writing the didactics (the text about the art) for the exhibit. Penny was invited to speak and gave her first museum PowerPoint presentation in the Hudson Auditorium at the pre-opening reception and unveiling of the exhibition.
The work will travel to ArtOrg in Cannon Falls, Minnesota where it will be displayed in a larger context of Priede’s work and published in a catalog. Catalog release date TBA.
Penny is entrusted with the art and legacy of world-renowned master printmaker and mixed media artist Zigmunds Priede (ZIG-MUNDS PRE-DEE).
Penny studied painting and drawing with Zig at JCCC from 1990-1992. The two reconnected at the Nerman MOCA Gala in 2007. Drawn together by their art and experiences, the two forged a friendship and an unwavering support of one another’s work.
Penny has been documenting Zig’s life since 2008. When she realized he being neither a self-promoter nor technically savvy, was being left behind by contemporary professional practices she photographed and formatted images of his work, made him a website and started applying for opportunities on his behalf.
She transformed her studios into salon style gallery spaces and co-curated exhibitions for he and other artists. Zig painted walls, participated in exhibitions, taught workshops, mentored emerging artists and assisted with the handling of works on paper for gallery visits and installations on behalf of a disabled artist.
Penny has hosted, curated or facilitated 13 exhibitions of Zig’s work and the website enabled print shops, former friends, colleagues and collectors to connect with him for projects and acquisitions. She has digitized and deposited over 130 documents into the Zigmunds Priede Artist File at the Spencer Art Reference Library.
Penny is now managing Zig’s Art and both his personal and professional affairs. She is creating a foundation dedicated to the preservation of Zig’s work and legacy that will benefit immigrant, refugee, aging and other marginalized artists.
Zigmunds Priede:
Website: https://www.zigpriede.com/home
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Zigmunds-Priede-Art-240377240168232
Instagram: https://www.zigpriede.com/home